The October mission, win eleven of the next games. Period. Eleven wins, against three teams, in four different ballparks. Every year one team manages that feat and can call themselves Champions of the World. The Sox did it in 2004, against incredible odds, and under intense pressure. This year, the pressures are different (thank you, Idiots of '04), and scenarios are different, and the result. Well, we'll know soon enough. Get out the brooms!
What is there to say about the Trio of Rooks who have risen to the occasion during this series, and never more than last night. In the wake of all of the angst over which bat should sit, and how the field should be reconfigured, the Trio made it academic. All three of them did it with their bats, and Dice-K with his arm as well, finding the strike zone with more confidence than ever in the post-season. I love these guys, and I don't know which one I love the most (listen for sounds of bandwagon getting totally overloaded).
Pedroia bunts his way on. Perfectly.
I love watching pitchers hit!
Jacoby's double in the 8th. World Series history, baby!
And a word about Lugo. Or maybe just a picture. *This* is why he stays in the lineup:
Tonight's story, with Lester going for the sweep could be just as compelling.
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